Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. ModNation Racers is a mix of the kart racing aspect of Mario Kart and the customization of LittleBigPlanet. No-Intro - Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSVgameSD) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive There Is No Preview Available For This Item This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on. If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US ULTIMATE EDITION PS VITA ModNation Racers: Road Trip (PS Vita) Free for PS Plus members Welcome to the never-ending season of ModNation kart racing, where competitive racing and community creativity collide. The online features of the game were shutdown on July 1, 2017. You can download ModNation Racers: Road Trip after PlayStation Store updates tomorrow. The game was developed by San Diego Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). The game is a modified port of ModNation Racers. INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US ULTIMATE EDITION PS3 ModNation Racers: Road Trip is a 2012 launch title for the PlayStation Vita. INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US ULTIMATE EDITION PS4